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October 22, 2020
Kim Stein
Clients I work with are basically fed-up and stressed out and confused about what they can do to change their own environment.
As a therapist, I’m often asked the question – “What should I do?” When that happens, my goal is to assist clients with finding their own solutions rather than giving cookie cutter answers to individual situations. Yet, a theme emerges when I encourage clients to engage in good self-care practices which I believe are essential to well-being when dealing with stress.
So, listed below are five evidence-based ways that may help you through this time of grief and strife:
1 – Limit Your Social Media Access – set a time limit with Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, and other apps. Although informative and engrossing, social media can often take away your time and your joy.
2 – Add Time for Engaging in Joy-filled Activities - do whatever fills your “self-care cup” such as reading, socializing with friends (6 feet apart, of course), enjoying a hobby, or cooking together with loved ones.
3 - Limit Watching or Scrolling the “News” – too much input from outside sources can often lead to emotional and mental stress. Check into respected news sources for a smaller amount of time, then use the rest of time to get into God's Word and find the truth and peace Jesus offers.
4 – Add in Exercise and Mindful Eating – both regular exercise (at least 3 days per week) and mindfully eating at meals can assist with improved physical health which leads to improved emotional and mental health.
5 – Spend Time in a Peaceful Place – I often ask clients: “How do you create sanctuary in your home and life?” And they admit they don’t have sanctuary. So, find your favorite spot and then include your favorite things such as mug, books, art supplies, and plants. Choose regular time for reading, gardening, creating, and spending a few minutes in prayer. It’s often refreshing to shut out the distractions and have an honest moment with God.
Know that you have the power to limit outside factors and safeguard how you think and feel throughout the coming weeks and months.
Blessings and Love to All!
- Kim
Clinic for Christian Counseling, all rights reserved.